Episode 112: Crazy John Brooks Gets His Delay On

Crazy John Brooks Gets His Delay OnWelcome to Craze, who is a great overall Frisbee player, best known as the captain of Bud-Light Freestyle Frisbee Team.

John was given the gift of Frisbee’s when he was 8 years old, living in Jackson, Mississippi. He quickly became obsessed. While studying music in college he connected with other players & played in his first festival. For a while, it was “Fribsee” in the day while making money with his music at night. That began to flip a bit as John started making money doing Frisbee shows. John also highlights some players from the Midwest, an area of the USA whose frisbee history is often overlooked.

Big shout out to Doug Korns, it was great to see you out and about on Facebook. Sending both you and Jeannie lots of love!

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