Episode 67: Joey Hudoklin Goes with the Flow

Joey Hudoklin

Photo by Scott Star

  • Randy calls out a couple great players that deserve to be recognized.
  • Joey talks about competing indoors vs. outdoors. There are a couple different schools of thought, as you all know.
  • He also comments on shorter vs. longer routines stating that flexibility might be a good direction to go in.
  • Joey takes it a step further and brainstorms ways that the categories could change to shake things up and reward different styles.
  • Have you heard of the 24 second clock? Joey shares Craig Smith’s concept and how it can be applied.
  • For new players, he encourages them to master the fundamentals. It is amazing how this philosophy can be applied to life.
  • Randy and Jake get a little out there, but we still love them.

Jammers in Jacksonville will be live streamed next weekend, hope you’ll tune in.

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  1. Great show again guys!
    I think Fabian is on the best way from hightower to heintower 🙂
    If facebook is right, Clay is 62.
    Some of the points Joey spoke about could be managed with the dial system. The current system structures the sport right now, so there is no or lesser use for competetive players to practice “basic” skillZ… With the dial system you could win a tournament with just speedflow, but you will have the best odds with a mixture of every aspect of the game…
    Thanks for the great work Jake and Randy 🙂

  2. There’s a lot to consider in this interview. I also believe as Joey does in bringing back some of what’s been left behind. As I played in the years before and after the introduction of the delay, Joey mentioned: “learn how to throw, and catch before you start to delay”. Before delay play, with TCF ( throw catch and flow) you never knew what you were going to do from one move to the next, you could only respond to what throw you got or what you were left with after each move and it was always different. There was no way of ever controlling the disc. Visibly it was very easy for everyone to understand. This made freestyle very exciting, especially for the player. I don’t remember freestyle being any less interesting before the invention of the delay, it was just a different play. Also, It would be a great idea to open competitions up to everything freestyle has to offer, whether in play categories or judging standards, especially play that doesn’t always involve putting nails on. Thanks for the interview and Frisbeeguru Jake and Randy

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