AFO live Stream – Day one

Matt and Jake live streamed from AFOToday was the first day of Live Streaming from AFO 2014. It was alot of work, but I’d say it was successful. We had 611 unique views and peaked at 49 concurrent viewers. We also had player interviews and “commercials” (pre-recorded videos of Freestyle, including brand new learn to jam videos), and an awesome host, John Houck.

And, we had promotion from the PDGA and WFDF. Disc sports unite!

We also had a few things go wrong. For instance  John’s Mic volume was to low compared to everything else so he couldn’t be heard very well. And the stream bit rate was set so high we burned through way too much bandwidth. Whoops.

But, all-in-all, I’d say a success. But I want to know what you think? Did it look good? Sound good? Good filler between the play? Please leave feedback in the comments section.

Tomorrow, we do it again.


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