Paul Kenny Explains the Whip Over – Part 3 – The Receive

In this part 3 of a 3 part series, Paul explains the receive part of the whip over.

For clock, as the disc reaches your right hand try to make contact on the outer edge, not the low point. As the disc contacts, push upward and slowly rotate toward the high point. The disc will center. Spiral your fingernail in toward the center to gain control of the nail delay.

See Part 2 and Part 1.

Paul Kenny Discusses the Whip Over – Part 2 – The Give

In this part 2 of a 3 part series, Paul describe the send component of the whip over in detail.

First is the full motion. With the disc hanging in a rim delay on your left hand (for clock, wight for counter) make a down, up, down motion as Paul demonstrates.

Second is the against the spin portion. This takes place on second down motion. So, go down, up, then as you push down again, slide your nail against the spin. For clock this would be from 10 o’clock to 9 o’clock. This against the spin motion is what causes the disc to turn over. On this motion you would also apply angular force to propell the disc from your left hand to your right hand.

In part 3 Paul discusses the receive.

See part 1 here.

Paul Kenny Explains the Whip Over – Part 1

In this, part 1 or a 3 part series, Paul describes a basic turnover called the Whip Over. There are two elements to it, the give and the receive.

With clock, the give starts on the left hand. Rim delay steep so the top of the disc faces the right hand. Then quickly lower your left hand and then raise it and pull the disc across your body. It should turn over as you shoot it to your right hand.

The receive takes place on the right hand. Just center delay the disc as it comes in. Sounds easy, right? Part 2 and Part 3 go into more detail on the send and the receive portions of this move.

Paul Kenny Demonstrates the Two Handed Turnover

Paul Kenny explains the Two Handed Turnover, one of the most basic turnover tricks in Freestyle Frisbee.

To perform the trick, start with a rim delay. With clock spin, rim delay on your left hand. As the top of the disc turns towards you use your right hand nail to press onto the top at about 3 o’clock. This will cause the disc to tip steeper and eventually turn over. As it goes upside down, use your left hand to pull the disc up onto your right hand so that it is centered on your right hand nail.

One thing to consider is that when the disc is turned over it reverses it’s spin. That is, a disc spinning clockwise while right side up will be spinning counter clockwise when it is upside down.

Watch Frisbeer Cup 2016 Live

Frisbeer CupHeinsville will be live streaming Frisbeer Cup 2016 on March 4 – 6 starting at noon UTC+1. Frisbeer Cup is an annual indoor event held in Prague, Czech Republic. This year there are over 80 competitors registered including many new players and some of your old favorites as well. Rounds include Mixed, Co-Op, Women’s, and Open Pairs. While this event uses the standard FPA judging rules, there are 6 judges instead of 9 and routines are 3 minutes (4 for Co-Op) which makes the event move quickly. It also encourages players to go big or go home since they have less time to impress the judges.

Another notable for this event is that judging will be run using live data entry on tablets. This is the latest revision of the version used at AFC and AFO before that. This is the first time this data entry system will be used in Europe. One of the new features is it’s tie into the live stream. The tablets will provide live team names and a score board so viewers can keep track of how their favorite teams are doing.

Tune in and learn more here.

The Scoop Brush

Ryan Young Demonstrates the scoop brush. This brush is very useful for making disc steeper as a save when its too far out in front of you on a air brushing run.

With clock spin, use your right hand. Touch the disc slightly on top at about 3 o’clock. Push down and forward as the disc rolls into your hand. Then with the disc at 6 o’clock or so in the palm of your hand, finish the brush by rolling the disc off your hand while pushing upwards. This will cause the disc to lift into the air on a steeper angle, allowing you to be able to gain control again.

The Under the Leg Pull Set

Ryan Young demonstrates the Under the Leg nail delay pull directly into a set. With clock spin, start with a center delay. Set it up flat a few inches. Then reach your right hand under the inside of your right leg. Aim for about 9 o’clock on the rim. As the disc lands on your nail, pull it under your leg using the rim. This will cause the disc to pivot on a rim delay for a fraction of a second. Rim swoop the disc to your right side and set it back into the air. Timing here is key. The longer and / or faster the swoop, the steeper the set will be. So, you can set it perfectly flat, or you can set it on a steep angle. This set is very useful for going into other restricted delay pulls, spins, chest rolls, or catches as Ryan demonstrates.